
Parenthood: Embracing the Messy Reality with a New Magazine!

parenthood, I'm Going to Count to Five logo, Lou in foreground holding her book cover

Hey there, fellow parents and grandparents! Have you heard the buzz about the brand-new I’m Going to Count to Five Parenting Magazine? It’s only been out for a week, but it’s already causing a stir among folks navigating the wild ride of raising kids.

Now, as someone who’s been around the parenting block a few times, I totally get it. The ups, the downs, and all the craziness in between. Parenthood is like a rollercoaster, isn’t it? And let’s debunk that myth about it getting easier when they hit their teen years. Nuh-uh, it’s a whole different ball game!

But guess what? Yours truly is in the very first issue! I’m diving into the importance of self-care and carving out some “me time” with the Paperback Paradise Book Club. I chat about how exploring a cozy mystery is the perfect escape for busy parents and grandparents.

So, grab a cuppa, cozy up, and let’s embrace the chaos together! Let’s swap stories, spill some tea (or coffee), and dish out those invaluable tips. Because let’s face it, we’re all in this crazy journey together.

Ready to jump on board? Subscribe to the magazine and check out my article. Let’s tackle parenthood, or grandparenthood, armed with knowledge, support, and maybe even a little mystery to unwind with.

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